Ali Safavi | Apps And Software For Today’s Real Estate A List For Buyers as Well as Agents

Muzaffar Rasheed
5 min readDec 1, 2021

Today’s real estate business is mired by great tech. It’s one of the many great things about working in real estate today in the 21st-century. As per Ali Safavi today we’re going to look into the many opportunities, services, and tools in the industry that are shifting the paradigm and affecting not only the way buyers look for homes but how realtors conduct their business. Join us as we take a deep dive not only into the apps that can help people out in finding a home, but that can streamline a realtor’s firm and give them a competitive edge over their competition.

What are real estate applications

The real estate industry has been a lucrative one for a long time, and it’s not going to change anytime soon. As of today, the professionally managed global real estate business has increased from $9.6 trillion in 2019 to over $11 trillion in 2021. In the US alone, the market size, measured only by revenue, is worth $156.6 billion. This is why there’s a need for apps that specialize in the real estate sector. They help funnel and better manage this surplus and truly harness its potential.

For example, these apps allow potential buyers of property to connect with realtors, which is a mutually beneficial service as they can find out more about properties and save time by eliminating the need to go from office to office. They can also tell buyers about zones they want to invest in and give them a price referral of what their property will be worth in a couple of years.

For realtors, apps and specialized software can help them make a better connection, manage their day-to-day activities faster, give virtual tours and even compose articles and maintain a steady content creation strategy — which is essential for the market tactics and brand recognition, said Ali Safavi.

Type of real estate Application

There are many types of real estate applications in the present, not only for buyers that want to look for properties but for business managers that want to streamline their firm and have greater control over their ventures. Today, for the purpose of this article, we’re gonna break it down into two distinct sub-groups:

● Applications for people who want to invest in real estate

● Applications or digital services for people who want to optimize their real-estate business.

Apps for people who are looking for a property

How to find a home? Buyers have a lot of choices these days. Searching for a home has become easier with the help of mobile apps. Sometimes, all you need is a good app to find your dream home.

People buy homes every day and it’s not always easy to find one that meets your needs and budget. However, there are some apps that can make this process much more efficient and effective.


The best way to shop smart is to reduce the hassle and shop smart with the right house-hunting tool. Zillow is one of the top-tier apps for house hunters. It has a massive scope and huge database. Among its many services, free of charge, you can find foreclosure data, pre-approval assistance, and great customizable search parameters.


Xome is the best app right now for buying a home at an auction because of its easy-to-use interface. It has detailed info on all the properties on its mainframe and keeps bidders up-to-date on activity.


Is both a great app for buyers as well as Realtors. Why? It allows realtors to view production metrics, agent rankings, and reports. In other words, to investigate how their competition is doing.


This is the most reliable option for buyers out there. Why? It is the official search portal for the National Association Of Realtors. It is often updated a little faster thanks to its realtor-driven information metrics.

Apps for Realtors

Right now, thanks to the advent of technology and how the Internet has become prevalent in all of society, apps for running your business, whatever that might be, have become ubiquitous. Today, it is all about staying ahead of your competition, improving your benchmark metrics, and automating your whole platform — and thanks to apps, it’s rather simple.

Upwork, freelancer, etc

Right now, there are millions of freelancers out there, trained, highly-trained at that, professionals that are willing to work with you in whatever capacity you might need them in. Thanks to platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, finding help in whatever field you need is as easy as a small search. From SEO writers to branding professionals, to marketing technicians, all the way to great IT groups. You no longer have to spend hours on end trying to funnel in employees and hire staff. Platforms like the ones previously mentioned can do that for you and give you a team in a snap.

You can hire photographers, drone operators, backlink builders, just about anything you can imagine — all crtical to your sucess.


QuickBooks is a great mini accountant, one that helps you automatically have great insight into your business at a glance. It’s an amazing app that takes in income and expenses at any moment of the month.


RPR or The Realtors Property Resource is a great way of doing quick CMA even when you’re out on the field. With RPR you can answer all sorts of questions, just by saying, “let me take a quick look.” “What is a property worth?” “Let me take a quick look.”


Sure you can take a picture of documents but a lot of definition is lost in the process. Turboscan puts a scanner in your phone. Not only that, it has DocuSign features, as well as great exportation tools.

Mortgage By Zillow

Zillow Mortgage apps is a great mortgage calculator. It’s one of the few that will calculate monthly payments and interest on said payment. If takes into account everything — like if your client has PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance).

virtual tours

Right now there are multiple ways to execute virtual tours. There’s really not ONE app better than others. The truth is your client will have a preferred way of doing this — their app of choice. Have all available options downloaded and tried out, and adapt accordingly. Whether it’s Zoom, Whatsapp, Google Meets, Skype, etc.

